Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack

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Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki. ¥2,800 (最安値 ¥1,400) アクション MMO シミュレーション 無料プレイ -2015/09/08: ¥498 (最安値 ¥398) Golden Rush - Rare Artifacts pack. ¥498 (最安値 ¥398) MMO アクション RPG -2015/09/23: ¥1,980 (最安値 ¥198). Star Wars: The Last Jedi (also known as Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi) is a 2017 American epic space opera film written and directed by Rian Johnson.It is the second film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, following Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015).

Phase 11 (Time Runs Out)

Spider-Verse Part 1

Captain America and the Invaders

Squadron Supreme: The Master's Plan

Star Brand

West Coast Avengers: Underworld

Spider-Verse Part 2

The Devil Dinosaur

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 9

Loki: Agent of Asgard

Avengers: Time Runs Out

Spider-Verse Part 1: Spider-Man always believed himself to be the only person bit by a radioactive spider, but when his Spidey-sense detects another, he jumps at the opportunity. Deep in a building in the middle of New York lays the only other person bit by that radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his powers: Cindy Moon, or as she calls herself, Silk. Pheromones flaring, Spider-Man and Silk escape the building, but after an intimate interaction, Silk is terrified to realize she left her home. Years ago, she chose to remain imprisoned there, with her captor saying that there was a family of hunters who would one day come for the Spider Totems of this dimension. Spidey, thinking it was merely a way to keep her in the house, reassures her safety, and Silk moves in with Peter. But as if by fate, a third Spider Totem appears to Spidey and Silk: Kaine, the Scarlet Spider. Created years ago when Norman Osborne attempted to clone Spider-Man, Kaine escaped the facility by faking his death. Recently, Kaine encountered a man who told him to seek out Peter Parker, to help him survive when the Inheritors arrived. As if on cue, Daemos, one of the main inheritors, arrives, proclaiming the beginning of the final hunt for Spider Totems, with Spider-Man of Earth-616 being the first victim. But before Daemos can attack, he is attacked by members of the Spider-Army: Spider-Woman, Spider-UK, Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker), Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen, and Bruce Banner Spider-Man. The Spider-Army then warns Peter, Cindy, and Kaine that Daemos is a member of the Inheritors, who are on a mission to kill every Spider Totem in every dimension.

With little time remaining, Spider-Man 2099 opens a portal and pulls Peter, Kaine, and Cindy in with the rest of the rescue team. Once inside the portal, Peter is shocked to see hundreds of different Spider-Men and Spider-Women all sitting around. Confused, Peter asks why this dimension is safer than the others, which is answered by Cosmic Spider-Man, who explains to Peter that this dimension is protected by his powers, and that there is a war coming.

Meanwhile, Miles Morales and Ultimate Jessica Drew are attacked by Verna, but saved at the last second by other Spiders. When Miles and Ultimate Jessica Drew arrive in the safe zone, they see Peter Parker, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Spider, and Silk leave through a portal, which is soon revealed to be to the secret base of Superior Spider-Man, Otto Octavius, who explains to Peter Parker that Silk and Kaine are the Bride and the Other, but before he can expand upon what he means, the group is attacked by Daemos, who Superior Spider-Man is able to kill. But soon after his death, a second Daemos enters the dimension, making Kaine and Ben Reilly, another clone of Spider-Man from a different universe, realize the Inheritors are cloning themselves, and that they have to be made somewhere. Running with rifles review.

Meanwhile, as Peter Parker prepares to leave through a portal, a dying Spider-Man tells Peter to protect the Bride, the Scion, and the Other no matter what. As he tells Peter this, Silk steals Peter's portal opener, hoping to draw the Inheritors away from the rest, only to be followed by Spider-Woman and Spider-Man Noir. In this new dimension, Spider-Man Noir is injured, leading to Silk and Spider-Woman bringing Spider-Man Noir back to his reality. However, while there, they encounter Peter Parker, Spider-Gwen, and Spider-Girl (Anya). The three eventually trade out with Spider-Woman, taking over as the bodyguards for Silk, which they immediately fail at, as Silk escapes. With Silk now on the run and the Spiders hoping dimensions, it would seem that all is coming into place for the Inheritors.

After credits scene:

Ultimate Jessica Drew, Kaine, and Ben Reilly are shown exiting a portal into a technological paradise. As the three walk, they are stopped by robotic guards.

Guard: 'What are you doing outside of your group?!'

Unknown: 'I'll deal with them, boys…'

Iron Man then appears from nowhere, and flies straight towards the three Spiders.

Screen cuts to black.

Captain America and the Invaders: Steve Rogers, now only a teacher as Bucky Barnes leads the Avengers under the Captain America name, was simply giving his students a lesson on Hydra when he was hit by a crack in reality. Suddenly; the leap forward of 70+ years Steve had adjusted to disappears around him, and Steve finds himself returned to the 1940's. Once there, Steve is also surprised to find himself in the Captain America suit once more. After talking with a nearby military officer, Steve learns that in this reality, he never disappeared into the ice and has continued to lead the Allies in WWII against the forces of Hydra and the Axis Powers. However, as Steve never took that cold plunge into the ice, Red Skull never died, instead using the cosmic cube to teleport back to Germany, where he assassinated Hitler and took complete control of the Nazi War Machine, albeit under the Hydra name.

With his arch-enemy alive and his best friend now the one on ice, Steve agrees to retake the mantle of Captain America and lead the Allies to victory. But to his surprise, he isn't alone, as he is joined by a small team of superheroes recruited by the United States: Namor the Sub-Mariner and Jim Hammond, the Living Android. Together, the three heroes form a group known as the Invaders, named after their historic invasion of the Fascist-Controlled Italian Peninsula. Thus, Cap, Jim, and Namor head to northern Italy, where the Allies are planning to push into Hydra-controlled Germany. The plan: Have the Invaders make the initial charge, taking out all anti-aircraft or anti-tank guns, allowing the Allies' tanks and planes to roll in behind them. Once in Germany, the Invaders are to locate a castle where Red Skull has supposedly set up shop, and assassinate him.

Though the first part of the plan is executed perfectly, getting into the castle proves less than easy, as the Invaders are attacked by what appear to be Frost Giants. Confused, the team continues deeper into the fortress, where they find not only Red Skull, but also a portal that the Red Skull is using to pull monsters from the Nine Realms and bring to Midgard, using them as part of his war machine. With Direwolves and Fire Demons, Red Skull battles the Invaders, but is unable to stop them from advancing and setting the portal to self-destruct. In retaliation, Red Skull attempts to jump through the portal, but the time distortions this causes sends a ripple throughout the world, bringing Captain America back to his timeline. Returned to the modern day with the shield and costume of another world, Steve Rogers decides to return to his superhero days as the Captain.

After credits scene:

The Captain is shown walking up to the New Avengers facility, when he is approached by the current Captain America, Bucky Barnes.

Bucky: 'Steve? What's with the get-up? Tired of teaching at the school? Ready to get back to the world of heroes and villains?'

Steve: 'Bucky, we have a lot to talk about.'

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

The Captain's shield is shown in the Avenger's armory alongside Ant-Man's discs, Bucky's shield, Falcon's guns, and Black Widow's stingers. The Captain's shield then gets a crack similar to the cracks around Battleworld.

Screen cuts to black.

Squadron Supreme The Master's Plan: Since their defeat of President Rockefeller, much has changed for the Squadron Supreme: Nighthawk was elected as President, Power Princess as Secretary of State, Hyperion as Vice President, Doctor Spectrum as Secretary of Defense, and Speed Demon, Amphibian, and Skymax as the leading generals of the military. Just as everything seems to be going right, the Squadron Supreme are pulled out of their dimension by a being known as the Grandmaster. The Grandmaster then explains that he was the one who helped Rockefeller gain power as a way to test the Squadron Supreme of their might. When they defeated Rockefeller, Grandmaster knew they were the right choice to be his avatars for his contest against the time-traveling Scarlet Centurion. With no choice, the Squadron Supreme accept their roles, traveling to a dimension where the Scarlet Centurion has prepared his own team: The Institute of Evil, composed of Ape-X, Doctor Decibel, Foxfire, Lamprey, Quagmire, Shape, and Minx.

As both teams are now available, Grandmaster and Scarlet Centurion bring the teams to a dimension where Ultron wiped the Earth clean, and begin the competition. Almost immediately, the Institute of Evil splits up while the Squadron Supreme decides to stay together and journey across the world. However, after multiple ambushes by Ultron's robots, the Squadron decides that being in such a large party is more of a disadvantage than an advantage, and they split up into teams of two, with Hyperion heading his own way. Going in opposite directions, Hyperion eventually chances upon a volcano, where he encounters Foxfire, who attempts to disintegrate the invincible man, only to be defeated by Hyperion, who is then told to kill her by the Grandmaster. However, Hyperion refuses, requiring Scarlet Centurion to intervene and use an implanted chip within Foxfire to kill her. Angered at their lack of care for life, Hyperion enters the volcano, preventing the two masters of the world from following him, so that he may plan a way out of this situation without having anyone else die.

Meanwhile, Doctor Spectrum and Speed Demon have encountered Quagmire and Lamprey. Lamprey, using his energy absorption powers, attempts to absorb all of Doctor Spectrum's powers, but is overloaded with energy and explodes. With Lamprey dead, Doctor Spectrum has just enough power remaining to save Speed Demon from the explosion, which kills Quagmire. The scene then changes to Nighthawk and Power Princess, who have reached a metallic stream and are waiting for an ambush, which occurs when Minx and Ape-X arrive. During the conflict, Ape-X is thrown into the stream, which is revealed to be Nanobots that kill Ape-X. Following this, Nighthawk is able to convince Minx to instead join their team and oppose the Scarlet Centurion, something she almost accepts before the Scarlet Centurion declares foul play and orders Grandmaster to kill Nighthawk. Refusing, the Grandmaster proposes a 1v1 stadium fight between the two, which Scarlet Centurion agrees to. Nighthawk and Minx are then teleported to a stadium in the sky, where they are forced to fight to the death. Minx, reluctant to die, fights Nighthawk, who refuses to kill her, resulting in his death. As this occurs, Amphibian and Skymax are fighting Shape and Doctor Decibel, a fight they are losing, as Decibel's sound weapon has completely crippled Amphibian. Shape, however, is unable to fight off Skymax, who snaps his neck. Skymax then sneaks up on Decibel, disguised as Shape, and kills Decibel, who ups his weapon's power as he dies, killing Amphibian.

With only Minx remaining, Scarlet Centurion calls for Grandmaster's strongest to fight Minx, resulting in Minx being brought to the stadium to fight Hyperion. However, Hyperion is unwilling to fight and unable to be hurt, bringing the dual to a standstill. Grandmaster tries to fix this by freeing Hyperion from the obsidian, but it becomes clear that Hyperion has no intention to fight. Because Minx could never defeat Hyperion, Scarlet Centurion himself enters the stadium to kill Hyperion. But as he enters the playing field, he renders himself vulnerable, something Hyperion counted on. Now vulnerable, Hyperion defeats Scarlet Centurion, resulting in all who died being revived and sent home.

After credits scene:

Text appears reading 'Two Weeks Ago'

News Reporter: 'Today is the fifth day since the Squadron Supreme disappeared. In response, a new Squadron has arisen. We here at Channel Six are honored to present to the folks at home: The new Squadron Supreme!'

A group of heroes then arrives, composed of: Golden Archer, Tom Thumb, Lady Lark, Blue Eagle, Arcanna, and Nuke.

Screen cuts to black.

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Cracked

Star Brand: Kevin Connor was just a normal college student when the White Event hit Earth, granting Kevin the blessing of the Star Brand. After destroying his entire college during the transformation, Connor attempts to go into hiding, only to be found by a being called Nightmask. Nightmask then explains that Kevin is a sign from the Gods, and that he is to be brought before Ex Nihilo, a creature of immense power. While bringing Kevin to Mars, Nightmask explains the origin of the Star Brand: Each universe possesses a monitoring station created by the first species to achieve sentience in their respective universe, where they monitor the health of the universe, releasing White Events for species that are about to become cosmically interesting. These White Events create the Star Brands, who are to act as their species' Shepard to the cosmos, bringing them into a new golden age. During this age, a species can either expand responsibly, creating a vast galactic empire, or irresponsibly, eventually devolving into anarchy. Through these Star Brands, the first species hopes to guide these species to successful empires, and Humanity is merely the newest species to receive the blessing of the Star Brand.

Arriving on Mars, Nightmask introduces Kevin to Ex Nihilo, who explains that he was the one who first granted Humans sentience after the Martian Empire he granted sentience devolved into anarchy when their Star Brand appeared. He then explains that Kevin seems to be different from the others, as this White Event sent a message to Nightmask: That the universe is broken. This message is startling to Ex Nihilo, who believes it to be a sign that Star Brand is to save the universe. However, the White Event always creates three beings: The Star Brand, the Cipher, and the Justice. The Justice and Cipher, the guardians of the Star Brand, must be found if Star Brand is to succeed. Thus, Star Brand is ordered to hunt down these other two and bring them before Ex Nihilo.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Swann, a scientist working for Project Spitfire, has awoken from a coma she entered hours ago when the White Event occurred. Now awake, Jennifer realizes that she now has the powers of technopathy, which Star Brand, who had just arrived, explains is the sign that she is the Cipher. Taking her with him, he brings her before Ex Nihilo, while he goes to hunt for the Justice, who is revealed to be the newly revived John Tensen. With the Justice now on his side, Star Brand returns to Ex Nihilo and Nightmask, where he, Justice, and Cipher request their next mission. However, Ex Nihilo explains that everything has been a ruse, and that he plans to kill Star Brand, Justice, and Cipher, gain their powers, then travel to the station of the first civilization, where he will use its power to take over the universe, then as the other universes collapse, he will rebuild them as his own multi universal empire.

With this sudden turn of betrayal, Star Brand, Cipher, Justice, and even Nightmask realize they've been lied to and escape Ex Nihilo. Back on Earth, scientists have begun warning the Earth over a meteor that is heading straight for Earth, which the four heroes realize has been thrown by Ex Nihilo. Heading back into space, the heroes push the meteor back towards Mars, then travel to the red planet where they fight Ex Nihilo. While they fight him, Nightmask destroys Ex Nihilo's control over the meteor, just as it begins to plummet to Earth. With Star Brand being the most important of the four, Justice and Cipher continue to fight Ex Nihilo as Nightmask teleports Star Brand back to Earth. Right as Star Brand reaches Earth, the meteor slams into Mars, creating a crater where Ex Nihilo was, killing him, Nightmask, Cipher, and Justice.

After credits scene:

Star Brand is shown back on his farm in Oklahoma, when Captain Universe appears before him.

Captain Universe: 'Star Brand Connor, I am Captain Universe, and I have come to request your help. What Ex Nihilo told you was not wrong: The universe is broken, and it needs your help. You are the last Star Brand, not just of our universe, but of all universes.'

Star Brand: 'What can I do?'

Captain Universe: 'Come with me.'

Star Brand nods, and the two teleport away.

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

The universe's station is shown on the edge of the universe, when suddenly a crack in space appears, tearing the station in half as the crack grows and envelopes the visible space.

Screen cuts to black.

West Coast Avengers Underworld: The West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye, Shroud, Hercules, Tigra, Darkhawk, Arachne, and X-51) return to fight for justice along the west coast, against any villains that would dare challenge them. After defeating the small time villain Needle, the West Coast Avengers are attacked by a new challenger: A man who claims to be from the underworld known as Tyrannus. Before the team can ambush him, however, Hercules blindly attacks him, allowing Tyrannus to escape.

When the WCA return to their mansion, they question Hercules's reasons for attacking Tyrannus, to which Hercules explains the backstory of Tyrannus: In the time of the Roman Empire, Tyrannus was a powerful Roman scientist who discovered the key to immortality. But when he tried to use his powers to overthrow the Gods of Olympus, Zeus punished him and condemned him to an underground city cut off from the world. What the Olympians didn't expect, however, was for the civilization to be alive and thriving, and when Tyrannus arrived, they worshipped him as a God. Thus, Tyrannus began to use his powers to unlock the full potential of the technology of the underground civilization, making him even stronger. After hundreds of years in this underworld, Tyrannus has chosen to return and take revenge on the world that imprisoned him. On cue, Tyrannus arrives at the West Coast Avenger's mansion with his army of underground followers, who he orders to begin destroying the mansion. Though the West Coast Avengers are able to escape his attack, the mansion is destroyed, leaving the WCA without a headquarters.

Temporarily moving to the headquarters of Rangers, the WCA begins to think of ways to eliminate Tyrannus, to which Hercules gives an idea the Olympians had thought of back when Tyrannus was first imprisoned: Launch him into space. Despite their hesitations, given the last person launched into space by the Avengers returned with a fleet of warships, the WCA agrees this is the best way to get rid of Tyrannus. However, without a way to get Tyrannus to space, the WCA's plan is useless. This, of course, is when Darkhawk says he is willing to sacrifice his Darkhawk armor to send Tyrannus to space.

While the WCA is unwilling to sacrifice Darkhawk's armor, they do come up with a better plan: Use War Machine's armor. Calling upon War Machine, Rhodey agrees to send over his Iron Patriot armor to the WCA, granting X-51 control of the armor. With the armor now under their control, the WCA head to a nearby highway, where they wait for Tyrannus. When Tyrannus and his army arrive, the team fights the army as X-51, who is controlling the Iron Patriot armor from afar, fights Tyrannus. Locking him in the suit, X-51 ejects Tyrannus into space, as well as sets the thrusters to detonate when he has left the solar system so that he cannot return. In rage for the murder of their God, the underground followers erupt into a frenzy, ordering all members of their race to begin wrecking the west coast.

Thus, to stop the underground dwellers from destroying everything along the west coast, the WCA summon all available members of both the WCA and the Rangers together. Composed of Hawkeye, Tigra, Wonder-Man, Hercules, War Machine, Arachne, X-51, Darkhawk, US Agent, Shroud, Firebird, Phantom Rider, Red Wolf, Shooting Star, and Texas Twister, this new super team heads out to Los Angeles, where Tyrannus's followers are attacking, and fight them off, making the leader of the followers agree to never return and attack the west coast again.

After credits scene:

A lightning strike is shown striking the top of a building in LA. The camera then pans up, revealing the Living Lightning standing on the building.

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

The WCA mansion is shown being rebuilt by the WCA. Hercules is lifting girders, Wonder-Man is shown moving broken concrete pieces, Firebird is hardening new concrete, Darkhawk and War Machine are lifting wooden planks, X-51 and Tigra cutting wooden planks, Arachne is lifting heavy brick piles with her webbing, Shroud is using the dark force to make construction vehicles, the US Agent is using his shield to shatter fallen walls, and Hawkeye is looking over blueprints.

Screen cuts to black.

Spider-Verse Part 2: The Spider-Verse saga continues just where it left off, as Tony Stark attacks Ben Reilly, Kaine, and Ultimate Jessica Drew. However, due to previous knowledge, Ultimate Jessica Drew is able to deactivate Tony's armor, which allows the three to interrogate him. They learn that this world's technology is the result of the combined knowledge of Tony Stark and Jennix, another Inheritor. Hoping to end the cloning program, Ben Reilly, now in Tony's armor, takes Ultimate Jessica Drew and Kaine to Stark Tower, where Jennix is located.

Meanwhile, Peter Parker has returned to the safe zone, where he plans to obtain a cloaking device from Superior Spider-Man and give it to Spider-Man Noir to protect him. At the same time, Peter also recruits Miles Morales and Spider-Ham to start recruiting other forces to build up the Spider Army. But before Peter can leave with Spider-Gwen and Anya to reach Spider-Man Noir, Solus and Morlun arrive in the safe zone. Despite Cosmic Spider-Man's immense power, he is no match for that of Solus, who kills him, while Morlun claims the Scion: Benjy Parker, the baby brother of Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker).

As these events transpire, Spider-Woman is revealed to have been infiltrating the headquarters of the Inheritors, where she has encountered the Master Weaver, who gives her scrolls that grant her the knowledge she needs on the Scion, the Bride, and the Other. But when Silk arrives and reveals that her dimension hopper has broken, she and Spider-Woman exchange hoppers, with Spider-Woman taking the broken one that is only capable of opening portals for objects, something she uses to send the scroll to Peter Parker. As she does this, Silk continues her dimension hopping, eventually reaching an irradiated dimension, which as she notices, holds back the Inheritor Twins who were following her. With this new safe zone in sight, Silk sends for the other members of the Spider Army, who arrive, and travel with her to a bunker, which is revealed to be where this dimension's Spider-Man, Uncle Ben, is.

Moving on, the Spider Army attempts to read the scrolls, only to see that they are illegible, meaning the only person who could have read them was Spider-Woman, who Silk feels responsible for abandoning. While Silk and Spider-Gwen go to Loomworld to rescue Spider-Woman, Anya is able to read the scroll, which states that the Scion, the Bride, and the Other are destined to lead the Spider Totems to overthrow the Inheritors after one thousand years. As this revelation occurs, Ben Reilly, Kaine, and Ultimate Jessica Drew confront Jennix, who reveals that he had been trying to clone the Spider Totems to give the Inheritors an infinite supply of food. This sends Kaine into a rage, leading to him destroying the facility, and unfortunately costing Ben Reilly's life. The Spider Army, now aware that the Other, the Bride, and the Scion will all be in Loomworld, arrives in Loomworld just in time to see Kaine's arrival in Loomworld, where he transforms into his Spider Totem form, killing Solus, but costing him his life.

With Kaine's blood in excessive supply, and Silk's also readily available, Morlun attempts to complete his ritual with a killing blow to Benjy Parker, only to be stopped by Peter Parker, who accuses Morlun of fearing Earth-616's Spider-Man, as he never once tried to capture him, and that he knew only this Peter Parker could defeat him. But before Morlun can respond, Peter Parker casts Morlun into a portal to the irradiated zone, allowing the Spider Totems enough time to overpower the other Inheritors. With their rule crumbling, the Inheritors are sent away to the irradiated world, where they shall remain for the rest of their lives.

After credits scene:

Spider-Man, Silk, and Spider-Woman are seen returning to Earth-616. Spider-Man then looks to his side, where Kaine would be, grimaces, and continues walking.

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

The Web of Life is shown, when suddenly massive cracks begin to appear in it, similar to the space around Battleworld.

Screen cuts to black.

The Devil Dinosaur: In a far off dimension, the dinosaurs never went extinct, and still roam the Earth to this very day. But even with their existence, hominids managed to evolve, reaching a tribal state by the time of the modern age. Now, these bands of cavemen dot the world, trying to survive in the shadows of the dinosaurs. One of these many tribes is the Small-Folk of the Valley of the Flame, a region of extreme volcanic activity, which the Small-Folk share with the Killer-Folk, their mortal enemies. Among these two warring tribes is the teenager Moon Boy. After escaping a deadly raid by the Killer-Folk, Moon Boy encounters the Killer-Folk sacrificing dinosaurs to a nearby volcano. As they murdered a mother dinosaur watching over her eggs, Moon Boy sprung into action and forced them away. Unfortunately, Moon Boy was unable to save the mother and two of her offspring, only finding a horribly burnt baby alive. Taking the baby into the forest, Moon Boy nursed the young dino to health, naming it Devil after its red skin it obtained from the fire it was burned in as a baby.

After two years of nursing Devil, the two bonded closely, and when Moon Boy returned to his tribe riding on Devil, he saw the entire village burnt to the ground, with every person murdered by the Killer-Folk. Thus, Devil and Moon Boy become wanderers, hoping to take revenge on the Killer-Folk for everything they have done. Meanwhile, the leader of the Killer-Folk, Stone-Head, is betrayed and murdered by his second-in command, Seven-Scars. This warmongering general, believed by the rest of the tribe to be worse than Stone-Head, knows of the existence of Moon Boy, who he wants dead more than anyone else. Thus, Seven-Scars places a bounty on the heads of Moon Boy and Devil, promising enough food to last a lifetime to whoever can kill the duo.

Forming his army of dino-riders and mercenaries, Seven-Scars tracks down Devil and Moon Boy, but is unable to capture or kill them before they escape. Heading down into a cave, Devil and Moon Boy find what appears to be a crack in the wall that leads to a different world. On the other side of the portal, massive metal structures jut out from the Earth, and people like Moon Boy populate these areas. Once inside the portal, Moon Boy and Devil are attacked by a strange half-man and half-spider creature wearing a black costume. Running back into the portal, Devil and Moon Boy barely escape back to their world before the portal closes, sealing off the spider-person menace on the other side.

Exiting the cave, Devil and Moon Boy are caught in a spiked trap by Seven-Scars. However, Devil, with his massive size and strength, is able to escape the trap, leaving Moon Boy behind. Given the option to abandon his friend and start over in life, Devil refuses, turning back to see Moon Boy being dragged to the volcano. Killing the guards, Devil frees Moon Boy, and the two rise to the top of the volcano, where Seven-Scars is seen sacrificing others to a giant spider creature that lurks in the lava. Riding on top of his own trained dinosaur, Seven-Scars challenges Moon Boy and Devil to a battle to the death, one which ends with Devil knocking Seven-Scars into the lava, where the spider creature devours him. Avenging their tribe and family, Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur return to the valley, hoping to start a new peaceful life.

After credits scene:

Two celestials, Devron and Gamiel, are seen floating down to the volcano.

Devron: 'It is unlike any of others. Never before have we seen a creature with such prowess!'


Gamiel: 'Yes, brother, this Devil would be perfect to use as a test subject for our theories.'

Devron nods and the two begin descending upon the valley.

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

The cave where the portal was located is shown, with multiple portals opening. Each portal is emitting different noises all at once.

News Reporter: 'That's right ladies and gentlemen, a real live dinosaur was spotted today..'

Tony Stark: 'There is no version of this where you come out on top.'

News Reporter 2: 'Today is the fifth day since the Squadron Supreme disappeared…'

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack

News Reporter 3: 'Thank you, and Hail Hydra..'

Scarlet Witch: 'No more miracles..'

The portals then suddenly close, before re-opening and exploding into life.

Screen cuts to black.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 9: The Collector has foreseen the end of the universe, and he wants to ensure to obtain everything he can from this universe to bring to the next one. Thus, he goes after the one team that would oppose him: the Guardians of the Galaxy, now composed of Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Quasar, Moondragon, and Adam Warlock. Thus, while on mission fighting an uprising on an outer rim planet, the Collector captures them and takes them to his collection vault he has prepared for the end of the universe. Inside, the Guardians encounter new and old faces, all of whom are attempting to stage a breakout when the Collector brings the Guardians in.

Now imprisoned by the Collector, the Guardians expand their roster to join forces with the strongest of the prison to stage a new breakout. Joining the Guardians is Cosmo the Spacedog, Howard the Duck, Beta Ray Bill, Wal-Russ, Monark Starstalker, and Pip the Troll. Together with the Guardians, this band of misfits comes up with a plan to escape the Collector. Step one: Obtain Stormbreaker for Beta Ray Bill. If the Korbonite were to obtain his Asgardian given powers, the breakout would be much easier. However, this requires Cosmo, Rocket, and Howard to escape through the vents, defeat the Collector's robotic guards, and then gain access to the weapon vault before the Collector notices.

Fortunately, the plan goes off without a hitch, with Rocket releasing the shield around Beta Ray Bill's hammer, allowing him to call his hammer to him. With the hammer and everyone's signature weapons, the group escapes the prison, only to discover it is located within a pocket universe known as the Microverse. As the group attempts to fly away from the prison, they are stopped by a hero of the Microverse known as Bug. After fighting off Bug and his fellow Microverse warriors, the convicts explain their situation to Bug, who is sympathetic to their cause. Bug agrees to join the group in their escape, telling them he knows a point in space that allows them to escape the Microverse.

However, when they reach this area in space, the Collector is waiting for them. After fighting the Collector's forces, the group is able to escape the Microverse, which is revealed to be another artifact in the Collector's collection, with Bug and his people created only for entertainment. Trainz 2019 dlc: canadian rocky mountains - golden, bc for mac. Without a real purpose in life, Bug agrees to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the team escapes the vault.

After credits scene:

Rocket is shown grabbing his gear from around the Milano.

Star-Lord: 'You sure you want to go, Rocket?'

Rocket: 'Yeah, I think it's time I took a little time off'

Groot: 'I am Groot'

Rocket: 'I'll miss you too, buddy. Keep 'em safe for me'

Rocket then jumps out the airlock, where another ship picks him up. The camera then zooms, revealing Howard, Lylla the Otter, and Wal-Russ waiting for Rocket.

Screen cuts to black.

After credits scene 2:

Beta Ray Bill is seen returning to Skuttlebutt.

Skuttlebutt: 'I am glad you returned, Bill. Tomb raider games download. I assume the Collector was no match for your might?'

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack Filler

Beta Ray Bill: 'Skuttlebutt, it's been a crazy past few days'

Screen cuts to black.

Loki Agent of Asgard: After years of imprisonment, the Trickster God Loki has had a change of heart, and intends to do good, becoming an Agent of Asgard. Assembling a team of villains who he believes could do some good (Sigurd, Lorelei, and the Executioner), Loki begins to take missions from the newly resurrected All-Mother. On a recent mission, Loki discovers an Inhuman on Midgard, Verity Wills, who can detect his lies, bringing the two closer together.

With Verity and his motley crew of villains, Loki heads to the far north and obtains Gram, the former sword of Sigurd. Returning to the All-Mother, Loki and his crew are informed that their next mission is to retrieve the Norn Stones, the very things that first killed Loki until he was revived by the Beyonder. Agreeing, Loki, Sigurd, Executioner, and Lorelei journey to the Dark World, where they encounter a colony of Dark Elves worshipping a Norn Stone. Manipulating them into seeing Loki as a deity, the group grabs the Norn Stone and travels to the realm of the Ice Giants. Once there, the group encounters Ymir, who is guarding the Norn Stone. Confused by Loki's arrival, Ymir questions Loki as to why he would take the same Norn Stone he had told Ymir to protect. However, before Loki can question this, some Fire Demons of Surtur kill Ymir, forcing Loki and his team to flee with the Norn Stone to the realm of the Dwarf King.

While there, the Dwarf King hands Loki a scepter that he was ordered to create by Loki. Explaining that he never ordered some sceper, the Dwarf King explains that Loki arrived under the name King Loki, asking for a scepter to be created for him to rule Asgard with. Realizing the situation, Loki and his team take the scepter and return to Asgard, where they are greeted by the All-Mother. However, instead of their normal banter, Loki shoots the All-Mother, who is revealed to be an illusion created by the true culprit: King Loki, the God of Mischief from the future where he used the Norn Stones to become king of Asgard. However, an incursion in realities pulled King Loki to this universe, where he began to hunt for the Norn Stones, storing the ones he found with Ymir.

Back in the throne room, King Loki gives the real Loki an ultimatum: Accept his rule or watch everything he loves die. As Loki tries to stab King Loki, the eldest Loki teleports away, taking the Rainbow Bridge to Midgar, where he tries to tell Verity that he is the real Loki. However, Verity knows he is lying, forcing him to just straight out capture her. Traveling to Midgard, Loki and his group meet with King Loki, using Loki's illusionary magic to surprise King Loki. With his final words to King Loki saying that he decides his own destiny, Loki kills King Loki, claiming the throne of Asgard.

After credits scene:

Loki is shown sitting taking the Rainbow Bridge, landing on a small asteroid where Star Brand and Captain Universe.

Captain Universe: 'Loki of Asgard, you approach the being known as Captain Universe. Why?'

Loki continues to walk towards Captain Universe, only to be attacked by Star Brand. However,

Star Brand is revealed to have attacked an illusion, allowing Loki to get close enough to Captain Universe to stab her.

Loki: 'Because only I can save this universe.'

Loki's skin is then shown changing to that of Captain Universe's.

Screen cuts to black.

Avengers Time Runs Out: The Avengers return, now fighting all around the Earth as incursions of other realities blink in and out of existence. These events have become so common that the Avengers have created two separate teams to deal with them: One team led by Steve Rogers (The Captain, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Captain Marvel), with the other led by Bucky Barnes (Captain America, She-Hulk, Wasp, Vision, Thor, and Black Panther). While Steve's team heads to Germany where an alternate reality MODOK has led an army of AIM soldiers, Bucky's team fights an army of Skrull Avengers in New York City.

When these two other realities pop out of existence, Namor The Sub-Mariner calls upon Iron Man and Black Panther. Meeting the Sub-Mariner in Atlantis, the two see that Namor has assembled the Illuminati. Namor then has Doctor Strange teleport the entire Illuminati to a world where the incursion is about to smash one reality into their own. Using a magic device said to bring about the death of the universe, Namor activates it and has Strange return them to Atlantis, killing the alternate reality, but destroying the planet as well.

He then tells the Illuminati that he has spent years researching the incursions, and that he has assembled a team of beings powerful enough to stop the Incursions: The Cabal. Calling them in, the Illuminati are shocked to see the team includes the Mad Titan, Thanos. Thanos then explains that he wishes to rule the universe, not destroy it, and that only through killing every other universe can he survive to rule it. Thanos then calls in the other members of the Cabal: Corvius Glade, Proxima Midnight, and Black Dwarf. With this group of villains, Namor claims that they will defend their universe and destroy all who oppose them.

Strange, opposed to allowing Namor to kill trillions of people, tries to explain that there could be another way to stop the incursions, only to be attacked by Black Dwarf, forcing Strange and the rest of the Illuminati to flee Atlantis. Back in New York, the Illuminati assemble the two teams of Avengers, as well as the West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye, War Machine, Wonder-Man, Shroud, Darkhawk, and Tigra), the Defenders (Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Hellcat), the Midnight Sons (Ghost Rider, Blade, Moon Knight, Morbius, and Werewolf by Night), MI-13 (Captain Britain, Union Jack, Black Knight, Shang-Chi, Killpower, Hell's Angel, and Digitek) and miscellaneous other heroes (Spider-Man, the Great Lake Avengers, Ms. Marvel, Nova, Doctor Druid, etc).

With almost every superhero on Earth in one building, the Illuminati explain that Namor has betrayed the heroes to go and team up with Thanos and his crew to destroy other universes, as well as millions of civilians in their reality. Thus, the Illuminati declare that they plan to create five teams out of the existing teams to fight against the Cabal. Against Namor will be Team Stark (Iron Man, Captain America, She-Hulk, Nova, War Machine, Wasp, and Spider-Man), against Thanos will be Team Strange (Doctor Strange, Black Knight, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Vision, Hercules, and Scarlet Witch), against Corvius Glade is Team Bolt (Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, Digitek, Doctor Druid, Ant-Man, Wonder-Man, and Shroud), against Black Dwarf is Team Fury (Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Union Jack, Moon Knight, The Captain, Arachne, and Falcon), and against Proxima Midnight is Team Panther (Black Panther, Thor, Tigra, Daredevil, Spider-Woman, Darkhawk, and Ms. Marvel). The rest of the heroes (Hellcat, Spectrum, X-51, the Great Lake Avengers, Killpower, Werewolf by Night, Shang-Chi, etc) are ordered to go around and fight any villains that appear around the world from the incursions. Hunting for the members of the Cabal, Team Stark locates Namor in Washington DC, Team Strange locates Thanos in Sokovia, Team Bolt locates Glade in Berlin, Team Fury locates Dwarf in Sydney, and Team Panther finds Proxima in Paris.

While the other teams attack their targets, Team Stark attacks Namor, trying to stop him from destroying Washington DC and the alternate reality. Namor then explains how all he wants to do is save this reality, and that even if the people of DC perish, the rest of the world will survive. Stark retorts back, saying how all Namor will do is destroy the planet and the other realities, something Thanos and his crew want. In rage, Namor attacks Team Stark, forcing them to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Team Strange attacks Thanos, who explains that if his universe is to survive, this Earth must be destroyed to prevent any further incursions. Thus, Thanos throws the device into the alternate reality, only for Strange to warp it into an empty dimension. Back in DC, however, the situation has grown even more dire, with Namor summoning the army of Atlantis to fight alongside him. However, as the army charges towards Team Stark, they are attacked by a different Iron Man, wearing a black and yellow suit. Then, suddenly, the army is attacked by other heroes: Miles Morales, a female Vision, and Quicksilver.

As Team Stark and the Ultimates fight Namor and his army, Loki appears in the sky, declaring that he intends to save each and every universe through ruling them. But before Loki does anything, Star Brand appears to Tony Stark, grabbing him and pulling him into a starship, and bringing him, Black Panther, and the Captain into orbit. Now in space, the survivors watch as the many universes collide into one another, with multiple earths crashing into each other. Everything then goes white.

After credits scene:

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack Download

A segmented world where Earth once was is shown.

Loki: 'And on the first day, Loki said: let there be light.'

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Crack Patch

Screen cuts to white.

After credits scene 2:

The lifeboat is seen crashed on the ground, when the door pops open.

Screen cuts to black.